By Brian Friel
Directed by Petal Pilley
Original Score Brendan O’Regan
Set Design Sabine Dargent
Costume Design Charmian Goodall
Lighting Designer Susan Collins
We might not now be immediately aware of her disability
Rose as described by Brian Friel in Dancing at Lughnasa.
Brian Friel’s masterpiece is one of the greatest and most loved Irish plays. Set in County Donegal 1936, during the harvest festival of Lughnasa, this powerful play takes you on a compelling, dancing journey through the past and present. Blue Teapot presents a deeply authentic version by casting an actor with an intellectual disability as Rose. This is Irish theatre history in the making.
Blue Teapot are a unique and pioneering Galway company with a singular vision, breaking barriers and challenging pre-conceived perceptions of artists and audience alike – don’t miss!
Tara Breathnach
Jenny Cox
Diarmuid de Faoite
Rod Goodall
Hillary Kavanagh
Grace Kiely
Emma O’Grady
Aindrias de Staic