Fishamble’s Haughey|Gregory by Colin Murphy, directed by Conall Morrison, follows the deal made between Tony Gregory and Charles Haughey in 1982, when Gregory took a surprise Dáil seat - and suddenly found himself holding the balance of power. Can Gregory use his vote to achieve something for his constituents? To do so, he will have to face off against the dominant personality of Irish politics - Charles J Haughey.
Cast: Ruairi Heading, Morgan C. Jones, Janet Moran, Michael Glenn Murphy, and Jonathan White
Recipient of the NASC Commission 2019
‘Irresistible… Thoughtful and thoroughly enjoyable, Haughey|Gregory is a tale worth telling, and one most certainly worth hearing. ★★★★ The Arts Review
'The actors create a lot of magic... funny and fascinating slice of recent political history' Irish Independent
‘incredible actors…it delights the audience. The wit is razor-sharp, with barbed references to subsequent and current events…brilliant’
80 mins, no interval