Directed by Andrew Flynn
Molly Sweeney, a compelling play by Brian Friel, delves into the intricacies of psychological isolation. The story revolves around Molly, who has lived in happy, capable, and independent darkness since she was ten months old. Her restless and unemployed husband, Frank, becomes obsessed with restoring her sight. He enlists the help of Dr. Rice, a once-famous surgeon who agrees to attempt the seemingly impossible task. When the bandages come off, Molly, Frank, and Mr. Rice grapple with the profound differences between seeing and understanding. The consequences of this medical miracle unfold in a gripping exploration of hope, change, and despair.
Featuring Genevive Hulme-Beaman and Manus Halligan.
Lighting Design: Ciaran Bagnall
Composer & Sound Designer: Carl Kennedy
Costumes: Sara Ben Abdallah
Duration: 120 mins including interval
Age: 12+