Town Hall Theatre Galway Logo

Sep 28 2023

Play about amazing soldier explores issues of identity

Current debates about issues concerning transgender people are shedding more heat than light on a subject that affects real people and one that isn’t new.     Proof of that can be seen in The Curious Case of Albert Cashier: Lincoln’s Lady Soldier, which visits Galway’s Town Hall Theatre on Monday, October 2. Humorous, sad and action-filled it’s based on the extraordinary true story of an Irish transgender soldier, born in 1843 in Clogherhead, County Louth and christened Jennie Hodgers.

The play is being staged by County Louth-based company Quintessence, which was established in 2015, and uses theatre to give a voice to people who aren’t always heard, as it explores the human condition.


Read the full article on the Connacht Tribune website.